EPLAN has announced that it will be sharing a stand with its sister company Rittal at the IndustryExpo – the first fully virtual trade show. EPLAN has been developing its popular CAE software solutions for over 30 years so is no stranger to being at the forefront of technology, which makes it the perfect fit. The stand promises to be one of the headline attractions, offering engaging functionality and technical content that will appeal to its customers and partners alike.
EPLAN is already on the cutting edge of web-based technology – the EPLAN Data Portal allows users to access product data from hundreds of partner manufacturers and integrate it into their CAE designs. Through their inclusion in IndustryExpo alongside Rittal, a global audience in excess of 500,000 visitors will discover the full range of solutions and services on offer from both companies, and will discover ways in which enclosure design, assembly and production can work together in one highly efficient, digitally seamless, automated process.
Nigel Borrell, Director at IndustryUK, the show’s organiser, comments: “We’re excited to announce such prominent names are attending the exhibition. As anyone who’s seen EPLAN and Rittal at live events will tell you, they know how to stand-out at an exhibition. Their virtual presence will be no different as they are working with us to release some new functionality to the virtual exhibition platform which will be launched on their stand.”
The EPLAN and Rittal stand is currently in build and will be ready in time for the IndustryExpo show going during live in 2019.
If you’re interested to learn more about the IndustryExpo virtual trade fair, then you can pre-register for the show and find out more about exhibiting by visiting the sales site at www.industryuk.online.
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